15.30 – 16.00: Velkomst, networking, snacks og lidt at drikke.
16.00 – 16.30: Peter Schneider-Kamp, Professor i Data Science, ved Syddansk Universitet, vil indlede dagens første emne; kunstig intelligens.
In an era where technological advancements are reshaping society as a whole, it becomes increasingly crucial to cultivate an understanding of what Artificial Intelligence (AI) is, along with the opportunities and risks it entails. The presentation “AI and ChatGPT – Past, Present, and Future” brings you up close to the transformative power of AI.
Together, we delve into the intriguing realm of AI, exploring how this technological revolution has emerged and how it will shape the societies of the future. What are the key technologies behind AI, and how do they actually work? What is fact, and what is myth in the AI debate?
16.30 – 17.15: Martin Schweiger, Patentrådgiver hos Schweiger & Partners, samt manden bag, vil samle tråden op fra Peter Schneider-Kamp og bringe emnet tæt på vores hverdag som IP-professionelle med øjenopspærrende live demonstration af Robot Patent Drafting (RPD), imødegåelse af udbredte sort hat argumenter og kommentarer til brug af AI i søgninger og FTO-undersøgelser. Foredraget bliver afholdt på engelsk via online forbindelse til Singapore.
“Martin Schweiger, a patent attorney with 30 years of experience, will give a jaw-dropping live demonstration of the use of Patent Drafting Robots. He will guide you through the drafting process, showing you how to use a patent drafting robot starting from an invention disclosure.
Martin will also address a select group of “Black Hats” from the White Book, providing an opportunity to expand your knowledge of the patent drafting industry. The White Book is not just a summary of the first World Robot Patent Drafting Symposium held in September 2022, but a state-of-the-art reference for manufacturers and users of automated patent drafting tools, as of January 2023.
We will discuss the role of artificial intelligence (A.I.) in patent searches, with a focus on patentability, invalidity, and Freedom to Operate (FTO) searches. Learn about the differences between the US and EP-style patent drafting and gain valuable insights for adapting your strategies.”
17.15 – 17.30: Pause
17.30-18.15: Anders Valentin, Partner hos Bugge Valentin vil fortælle om Højesterets afgørelse i Anne Black-sagen, hvad har vi lært?
Derefter middag kl. 18.30 med årstidens 3-retters menu inkluderet husets vin, øl og vand, samt kaffe/te og sødt.
Arrangementet finder sted onsdag den 20. september 2023 på den Sorte Diamant i lokalet Blixen.
Pris for medlemmer af ADIPA:
- Møde kl. 15.30 – 18.15: Gratis
- Middag: kr. 685,00
Pris for Ikke-medlemmer af ADIPA:
- Møde kl. 15.30 – 18.15: kr. 500,00
- Middag: kr. 685,00
(I alt kr. 1.185,00)
Tilmelding kun til selve mødet (hvis man ikke deltager i middagen) kan ske til og med mandag den 18. september 2023.
ADIPA fremsender faktura pr. e-mail efter tilmeldingsfristen.
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Ida Holst Bekker-Jensen